Adjutant General RG 401 Reconstruction Records, 1865-1873

                            Adjutant General
                                 RG 401
                   Reconstruction Records, 1865-1873
                 AC 1931/3, 1933/1, and unknown others
                        5 linear feet, 11 inches
          The Adjutant General's office transferred the majority of
     these records to the State Archives on February 21, 1934.  The
     Secretary of State had already transferred one ledger on
     November 5, 1931.  Prior to these accessions, some
     unidentified State Police records were transferred "from the
     Comptroller's basement" during the 1911-1912 biennium.
          This subseries consists of records of the 5th Military
     District and District of Texas under the military phase of
     Reconstruction (1865-1870), the records of the State Police
     (1870-1873), and the records of the State Guard and Reserve
     Militia (1870-1873).
          More detailed descriptions accompany each sub-subseries
                                                     Tony Black
                                                  December 1986
                                               revised May 1988
          The Reconstruction Records sub-series of the Adjutant
     General's records is arranged in three sub-subseries.
     1.  5th Military District/District of Texas Records, 1865-
              1870, 25 inches
         a.  Military Orders, 1865-1870, 20.5 inches
         b.  Correspondence, 1867-1870, 1 inch
         c.  Record of Murders and Assaults, 1867-1868, fractional
         d.  Quartermaster Records, 1866-1867, 3 inches
     2.  State Police Records, 1870-1873, 31 inches
         a.  Correspondence, 1870-1873, 12 inches
         b.  Reports of Crimes, Arrests, and Fugitives,1870-1873, 6
         c.  Accounts, 1870-1873, 13 inches
     3.  State Guard and Reserve Militia Records, 1870-1873, 15
         a.  Correspondence, (1870)-1874, 6 inches
         b.  Certificates of Disability, 1870, fractional
         c.  Court Martial Proceedings, 1871, 1.5  inches
         d.  Annual Returns of Militia, 1870-1872, fractional
         e.  Militia Rolls, 1870, 3 inches
         f.  Hospital Report, 1871, fractional
         g.  Affidavits of Loss and Damage, 1871-1872, fractional
         h.  Quartermaster Records, 1870(1871)-1873, 4.5 inches
         i.  Accounts, 1871, fractional
     This sub-subseries consists of some of the records of federal
     military reconstruction in Texas, between the end of the Civil
     War and the readmission of Texas to the Union in 1870.  These
     records include: military orders (general, special, and
     circular) emanating mainly from the headquarters of the
     District of Texas (1866-1868) and the headquarters of the 5th
     Military District (1868-1870); letters, petitions, and sworn
     statements received by military officers of those
     headquarters; a ledger reporting serious crimes committed in
     1867 and early 1868; and quartermaster records relating to the
     1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, United States Army
     The 5th Military District/District of Texas Records sub-
     subseries of the Adjutant General's records is arranged in
     four sub-sub-subseries.
          a.  Military Orders, 1865-1870, 20.5 inches
          b.  Correspondence, 1867-1870, 1 inch
          c.  Record of Murders and Assaults, 1867-1868, fractional
          d.  Quartermaster Records, 1866-1867, 3 inches
          (a)  MILITARY ORDERS, 1865-1870, 20.5 inches
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of printed circulars, general
     orders, and special orders issued by several federal offices
     of military reconstruction in Texas.  The majority are special
     orders emanating from the headquarters of the 5th Military
     District in Austin, 1868-1870, with a handful from the
     headquarters of the 5th Military District in New Orleans,
     1867-1868.  A significant number of orders were issued by the
     headquarters of the District of Texas, both in Galveston
     (1866-1867) and in Austin (1867-1868).  A small number of
     special orders, all handwritten, were issued by cavalry
     headquarters, Department of Texas (December, 1865).  A handful
     came from the offices of the Adjutant General and the
     Commissary General of Subsistence, both in Washington, D.C.
     (1866 and 1869).  Finally, a sizable number of circulars and
     general orders were issued by the Bureau of Refugees,
     Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands (commonly known as the
     Freedmen's Bureau), both the central office in Washington,
     D.C. (1865-1867) and the regional office(s) in Texas:
     Galveston (1865-1867), Brownsville (1867), and Austin (1867-
     The overwhelming majority of the special orders are extracts
     dealing with appointments, resignations, and removals of
     political officials in Texas, mostly county and municipal.  In
     some cases there are multiple copies of the orders, with
     notations as to the distribution of the copies--most commonly,
     one to the Governor and one to the Secretary of State.  Almost
     one-third of the total are in the form of bound booklets of
     military orders assembled by the State Treasurer, 1868-1870.
     Arrangement is first by issuing office, then by type of order
     (Circular, General, Special), and finally numerically (which
     is to say, chronologically).
     There are also three ledgers of unknown origin, which contain
     printed orders, either pasted down or tipped in.  These
     special orders were issued by the District of Texas and the
     5th Military District, between April 15, 1867 and July 3,
     1869.  The second volume contains a printed index of special
     orders issued from the headquarters of the District of Texas
     in 1867.
          Box 401-860
                1.  Headquarters, Cavalry, Department of Texas,
                         Special Orders, December, 1865
                2.  Adjutant General (Washington, D.C.),
                         General Orders, 1866, 1869;
                         Special Orders, 1866;
                    Commissary General of Subsistence, (Washington,
                         D.C.), Circular, 1866;
                    2nd Military District (South Carolina),
                         Circular, 1868
                3.  District of Texas (Galveston),
                         Circulars, 1867;
                         General Orders, 1866-1867
                4.       Special Orders, April-May, 1867
                5.                       June-July, 1867
                6.                       August-September, 1867
                7.  District of Texas (Austin),
                         General Orders, 1868
                8.       Special Orders, October-November, 1867
                9.                       November 20-30, 1867
               10.  5th Military District (New Orleans),
                         Circulars, 1867-1868;
                         General Orders, 1868
               11.       Special Orders, 1867-1868
               12.  5th Military District (Austin),
                         General Orders, 1868
               13.                       1869-1870
               14.       Memoranda, 1869; and General Courts
                              Martial, November, 1868
               15.       Special Orders, August-December, 1868
            16-17.                       January, 1869
            18-19.                       February, 1869
            20-21.                       March, 1869
            22-23.                       April, 1869
            24-26.                       May, 1869
            27-28.                       June, 1869
          Box 401-861
              1-2.  5th Military District (Austin),
                         Special Orders, July, 1869
              3-5.                       August, 1869
              6-7.                       September, 1869
                8.                       October, 1869
             9-10.                       November, 1869
               11.                       December, 1869
            12-13.                       January, 1870
            14-15.                       February, 1870
            16-18.                       March, 1870
            19-20.                       April, 1870
          Box 401-862
                1.  5th Military District, Military Orders,
                         February-December, 1868
                2.       September 18, 1868-April 24, 1869
                3.       April 26-May 26, 1869
                4.       May 19-July 10, 1869
                5.       July 8-August 16, 1869
                6.       August 12-November 3, 1869
                7.       November 5-December 31, 1869
                8.       January, 1870
                9.       February, 1870
               10.       February 24-April 1, 1870
          Box 401-861
               21.  Freedmen's Bureau (Washington, D.C.),
                         Circulars, 1865
               22.                  1866
               23.                  1867
               24.  Freedmen's Bureau (Galveston),
                         Circulars, 1865-1866
               25.                  1867
               26.       General Orders, 1867;
                    Freedmen's Bureau (Brownsville),
                         General Orders, 1867
               27.  Freedmen's Bureau (Austin),
                         Circulars, 1868;
                         General Orders, 1867-1868
          Ledger 401-999   Special Orders, April-November, 1867
          Ledger 401-1133                  July, 1867-June, 1868,
                                                plus index
          Ledger 401-1134                  July, 1868-July, 1869
          (b)  CORRESPONDENCE, 1867-1870, 1 inch
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of letters, petitions, and
     sworn statements received by military officers of the District
     of Texas (1867) and the 5th Military District (1868-1870).
     Often the correspondence was addressed to either the Governor
     of Texas or the Secretary of State, with notations on the
     reverse that the matter was referred to the appropriate
     military commander; occasionally the item was addressed to the
     military official and subsequently referred to the Governor.
     Some include pre-printed jacket covers marked "Headquarters,
     5th Military District," plus either "Office of Secretary for
     Civil Affairs" or "Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned
     Lands [R.F. & A.L.]."  Most of the items also include file
     numbers in red, which contain the abbreviations "D. of T." for
     "District of Texas" or "5 M.D." for "5th Military District."
     The subject matter of the majority of the items is either
     "outrages" or political appointments.  Arrangement is roughly
          Box 401-862
               11.  Correspondence, District of Texas,
                         February-August, 1867
               12.       September-December, 1867;
                         February, 1868
               13.  Correspondence, 5th Military District, 1868
               14.                                         1869
               15.                                         1870
               16.                                         n.d.
          (c)  RECORD OF MURDERS AND ASSAULTS, 1867-1868,
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of one ledger, totalling over
     250 pages, reporting serious crimes committed in 1867 and
     early 1868.  Information includes:  date, number, name and
     race of criminal, name and race of person injured, county,
     nature of the offense and/or statement of circumstances.  A
     total of 411 murders and assaults were itemized in 1867, with
     an additional 98 in January and February of 1868.  Following
     this list are many other reports, arranged by county, with
     copies of incoming correspondence, many of the letters
     addressed to the Secretary of State.
     Secretary of State Jane Y. McCallum transferred this ledger to
     the State Archives on November 5, 1931.
          Ledger 401-1000    Record of Murders and Assaults, 1867-
          (d)  QUARTERMASTER RECORDS, 1866-1868, 3 inches
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of quartermaster records
     relating to 1st Lieutenant Malcolm McArthur, Acting
     Quartermaster, 1st Battalion, 17th Regiment of Infantry,
     United States Army, stationed at Galveston and Houston, from
     August, 1866 through October, 1868.  The types of documents
     represented include: monthly returns of clothing, camp and
     garrison equipage, monthly returns of quartermaster stores;
     monthly returns of commissary property; monthly returns of
     public animals; monthly returns of provisions received,
     issued, and remaining on hand; quarterly ordnance returns;
     receipts of clothing, camp and garrison equipage; invoices of
     subsistence stores transferred; lists of quartermaster stores
     expended, transferred or received; weekly reports of the
     condition of supplies of forage; monthly reports of forage;
     reports of officers of army whose quarters and fuel are
     commuted; abstracts of articles received; abstracts of extra
     issues; abstracts of fuel, stationery, forage, and tobacco
     issued; abstracts of provisions issued to troops, and of
     provisions sold to officers; abstracts of purchases on account
     of army subsistence; requisitions for fuel and for stationery;
     vouchers; estimates of camp and garrison equipage required;
     monthly summary statements of funds received, disbursed and
     transferred; accounts current of all moneys received, expended
     and transferred on account of army subsistence; invoices of
     subsistence funds turned over; and letters of receipt of
     commissary accounts.  Arrangement is chronological.
          Box 401-862
               17.  Quartermaster Records,
                         August-(September), 1866
               18.       October, 1866
               19.       November, 1866
               20.       December, 1866
          Box 401-863
              1-2.  Quartermaster Records,
                         January, 1867
              3-4.       February, 1867
                5.       March, 1867
              6-7.       April, 1867
                8.       May, 1867
                9.       June, 1867;
                         October, 1868
     (2)  STATE POLICE RECORDS, 1870-1873, 31 inches
     This sub-subseries consists of: correspondence; reports of
     crimes, arrests, and fugitives from justice; and accounts and
     other financial records, all of the State Police, which
     operated during the Radical Republican administration of
     Governor Edmund J. Davis.
     The State Police Records sub-subseries of the Adjutant
     General's records is arranged in three sub-sub-subseries.
          a.  Correspondence, 1870-1873, 12 inches
          b.  Record of Crimes, Arrests, and Fugitives, 1870-1873,
                   6 inches
          c.  Accounts, 1870-1873, 13 inches
          (a)  CORRESPONDENCE, 1870-1873, 12 inches
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of the Adjutant General's
     correspondence to, from, and concerning the State Police.
     This correspondence takes three forms:  loose correspondence,
     mostly incoming, covering the entire period of the State
     Police's existence (1870-1873, 6 inches); a register of
     letters received, representing an altogether different set of
     correspondence (1870-1871, 2 inches); and three letter-press
     books containing copies of outgoing letters (1870-1871, 5
     The great bulk of the earlier loose incoming letters,
     especially those for 1870, consist of applications for
     positions on the Police force, including letters of
     recommendation, petitions, and certifications of loyalty; also
     prominent are letters of acceptance, receipts of commissions,
     and letters of resignation. Although most are addressed to
     Colonel James Davidson, Adjutant General and Chief of Police,
     some are addressed to Governor E. J. Davis.  Almost all of
     these types of items are coded in red ink on the reverse with
     a file number distinct from those for general correspondence:
     thus, for example, "1-D-70," "1-D-8," "1-D-29." However, for
     the majority of items in subsequent years (1871-1873), the
     letters consist of reports from--and concerning--State
     Policemen and their activities, both legal and allegedly
     illegal.  These latter also include an occasional report on
     crimes, submitted by sheriffs and other law enforcement
     officers--who were all considered ex officio members of the
     State Police.  The non-appointment type of correspondence
     usually bears a file notation similar to those found in the
     General Correspondence series for this time period:  e.g.,
     "L.R. 211 A.G.O.  S.T. 70," "M 432 A.G.O.  1871," "R 58 A.G.O.
     1872."  Arrangement is chronological.
     The register of letters received, concerning the State Police,
     contains abstracts of 1,781 letters, which are an entirely
     different group from the loose letters described above.  There
     is an index loose inside the front cover.  The time period
     involved is only half a year:  August, 1870 through January,
     1871. The letters cited include the type of requests for
     appointment previously mentioned, but also include reports
     from policemen and other more substantive topics.  The format
     is this:  date received, number (in red, which does not match
     the "1-D- " number on the loose correspondence), name of
     correspondent, date answered (in red), place, date written,
     and abstract of contents. Arrangement is chronological
     according to the date of receipt.
     The three letter-press books, which are also indexed, contain
     copies of letters sent by the Adjutant General regarding the
     State Police, between July, 1870 and August, 1871.
     Arrangement is chronological.
     The researcher should also be aware that additional
     correspondence concerning the State Police may be found in the
     General Correspondence series of Adjutant General's records,
     including letter-press books for outgoing correspondence after
     August, 1871.
          Box 401-863
               10.  State Police, Correspondence,
                         January-May, 1870
               11.       June, 1870
            12-19.       July, 1870
            20-23.       August, 1870
            24-25.       September, 1870
               26.       October, 1870
               27.       November-December, 1870
          Box 401-864
                1.  State Police, Correspondence,
                         January, 1871
                2.       February-March, July, 1871
                3.       October, December, 1871
                4.       January, 1872
                5.       February, 1872
                6.       March, 1872
                7.       April, 1872
                8.       May, 1872
                9.       June, 1872
               10.       July, 1872
               11.       August, 1872
               12.       September, 1872
               13.       October, 1872
               14.       November, 1872
               15.       December, 1872
               16.       January, 1873
               17.       February, 1873
               18.       March, 1873
               19.       April-July, 1873, n.d.
          Ledger 401-985     Register of Letters Received, August
                                  1870-January 1871
          Ledger 401-1030    Letter Press Book, July 1-December 31,
          Ledger 401-1031                       January 3-April 26,
          Ledger 401-1032                       April 26-August 15,
     1873, 6 inches
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of reports of crimes, arrests,
     and fugitives from justice, made to the Adjutant General by
     sheriffs, state policemen, district clerks, and other law
     enforcement authorities during the administration of the
     Radical Republicans.
     The loose material includes three types of reports, often on
     pre-printed forms:  reports of crimes committed (1870),
     reports of persons evading arrest (1870), and weekly reports
     of State Police (1872-1873).  The Reports (or Returns) of
     Crimes Committed--usually on Form No. 1--were submitted
     normally by the sheriff of the county, but sometimes by the
     district clerk or even a State Policeman in the county.
     Information provided in these reports includes the following:
     when and where the offence was committed, by whom committed
     (name, nativity, sex, race, age, residence), when and where
     arrested, present whereabouts, whether the criminal is at
     large or in confinement, and remarks. The Reports of Persons
     Evading Arrest--usually on Form No. 2--were also submitted by
     the county officials, and included more or less the same
     information as above, with the addition of physical
     descriptions (color of hair and eyes, and height).  This
     latter sort of report is identical in form and purpose to the
     ones which were later called "Fugitives from Justice,"
     published in 1878, 1891, and 1900.  Both of these types of
     reports are filed together, alphabetically by county.
     The third type of report, Weekly Reports of State Police,
     consist of 13 oversize reports, most from the 22nd and 23rd
     Senatorial Districts, all filed by Private (later Sergeant and
     then Lieutenant) J. M. Redmon:  11 from Denton, one from
     Gainesville, and one from Hempstead.  They date from February,
     1872 through March, 1873.  Included in these reports are:
     date of arrest, name of party arrested, where arrested,
     offence, against whom, number of miles traveled, counties
     visited, and name of the State Policeman making the arrest,
     and remarks.
     In addition to the loose material, there are three ledgers.
     Two of these ledgers are reports of arrests by State Police,
     1870-1873, with almost 440 pages filled.  Information
     contained in these reports included the following:  number and
     name of criminal; when, where, and by whom arrested; tally
     marks in a series of columns indicating the types of crime
     (e.g., murder, attempt to kill, assault and battery, theft of
     horse, etc.); number of miles traveled, amount of property
     captured, attempts of arrests, crime, and remarks.
     The third ledger, containing 163 pages filled, consists of a
     register of reports from approximately 80 individuals--some of
     them, at least, State Policemen--between December, 1872 and
     March, 1873.  Information includes:  date, file number of the
     letter or report, report (e.g., "reports condition of affairs
     and urges martial law"), number and names of persons arrested,
     number of miles travelled, counties visited, offense, and
          Box 401-864
               20.  Reports of Crimes:
                         Anderson, Angelina, Atascosa, and Austin
               21.       Bandera, Bastrop, Bee, Bell, Blanco, and
                              Bosque Counties
               22.       Bowie, Brazoria, Burleson, and Burnet
               23.       Caldwell, Calhoun, and Cameron Counties
               24.       Collin and Comal Counties
               25.       Dallas, Davis, DeWitt, and Denton Counties
               26.       El Paso and Ellis Counties
               27.       Falls, Fannin, Fayette, and Fort Bend
               28.       Galveston, Gillespie, Goliad, Gonzales,
                              Grimes, and Guadalupe Counties
               29.       Hamilton, Harris, Harrison, and Hays
               30.       Hill, Hopkins, Houston, and Hunt Counties
               31.       Jack, Jackson, and Jasper Counties
               32.       Karnes, Kaufman, Kendall, and Kerr
               33.       Lamar, Lavaca, Leon, Liberty, Limestone,
                              Live Oak, and Llano Counties
               34.       McLennan, Madison, Mason, Matagorda,
                              Medina, Montague, and Montgomery
               35.       Navarro and Nueces Counties
               36.       Orange, Parker, Polk, and Presidio
               37.       Red River, Refugio, and Rusk Counties
               38.       San Augustine, San Patricio, Shelby, and
                              Smith Counties
               39.       Tarrant, Titus, Travis, and Trinity
               40.       Upshur, Uvalde, and Van Zandt Counties
               41.       Walker, Washington, Wharton, Williamson,
                              Wilson, and Wise Counties
               42.       Zapata County
          Box 401-824
                6.  Weekly Reports of State Policemen, 1872-1873
          Ledger 401-1001    Reports of Arrests by State Police,
          Ledger 401-1002         1871-1873
          Ledger 401-1003    Register of Reports, 1872-1873
          (c)  ACCOUNTS, 1870-1873, 13 inches
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of 4.5 inches of loose
     material, and seven ledgers.  The loose material consists
     mainly of accounts current and abstracts of disbursements for
     the support of the State Police, often on oversize sheets. In
     addition, there are a few other types of financial records,
     including certificates of indebtedness, receipts of
     certificates of indebtedness, bills (especially for shipping
     and hauling), vouchers (e.g., for postage, telegrams, travel
     expenses), lists of claims, and receipts of draft animals
     (mainly mules). Arrangement is chronological.
     Folder 30 contains an unlabelled, thin ledger which is
     apparently a list of pay vouchers for State Policemen,
     arranged alphabetically, including the following information:
     name, rank, months (but no year), a number which may be a
     voucher number, comments, and amount.  The list is probably
     missing the first and last pages, since it begins with the
     name Baker, and ends with the name Sammons.
     Two of the seven ledgers--one apparently a duplicate of the
     other--consist of accounts current, 1872-1873.  The three cash
     books (each of which contains an index) indicate payments to
     individuals of sums (presumably for salaries and expenses),
     1870-1872.  The first two of these cash books include columns
     for date of payment, person, town, inclusive dates, amount,
     and comments, plus periodic recapitulations.  The third cash
     book, which covers only January-December, 1871, is divided
     into two parts:  one chronological, the second alphabetical;
     information here includes date of payment, date the check was
     forwarded, name to whom paid, address, inclusive dates, amount
     per month, and amount for each month.  The fourth ledger
     contains accounts of moneys owed and paid to State Policemen
     for ordnance, uniforms, badges, horses, etc. (1871-1872); this
     ledger is indexed.  The final ledger is miscellaneous:  State
     policemen who were loaned horses from Murchison's stable by
     General Britton for the Lampasas trip; stoppages against pay
     of State Police, March 28, 1873; amounts due for uniform,
     State Police; roster of State Police, March 29, 1873; and
     ordnance and ordnance stores in hands of state policemen,
     March 31, 1873.
          Box 401-865
                1.  Accounts, July-August, 1870
                2.            September-October, 1870
                3.            November-December, 1870
                4.            January-February, 1871
                5.            March, 1871
                6.            May-June, 1871
                7.            July, 1871
                8.            August, 1871
                9.            September, 1871
            10-11.            October, 1871
               12.            November, 1871
               13.            December, 1871
            14-16.            January, 1872
               17.            February, 1872
               18.            March, 1872
               19.            April, 1872
               20.            May, 1872
               21.            June, 1872
               22.            July, 1872
               23.            August, 1872
               24.            September, 1872
               25.            October, 1872
               26.            March, 1873
               27.            April, 1873
               28.            May, 1873
               29.            June, 1873
               30.  Ledger of pay vouchers, n.d.
          Box 401-824
              1-5.  Accounts (oversize), 1870-1873
          Ledger 401-1004   Accounts Current, November, 1872-
                                              August, 1873
          Ledger 401-1005   Accounts Current, November, 1872-
                                              August, 1873
          Ledger 401-1006   Police Cash Book, 1870-1872
          Ledger 401-1007   Police Cash Book, 1872
          Ledger 401-1008   Police Cash Book, 1871
          Ledger 401-1009   Accounts of Moneys Owed and Paid (for
                                 ordnance, uniforms, etc.), 1871-
          Ledger 401-1010   Miscellaneous Ledger, 1873
     This sub-subseries consists of records of the State Guard and
     the Reserve Militia, which operated under Governor E. J.
     Davis's administration.  These records include:
     correspondence (mainly from 1870), certificates of disability
     (1870), court martial proceedings from Walker County (1871),
     annual militia returns (1870-1872), militia rolls of persons
     who paid for exemption from duty in fifteen counties (1870), a
     hospital report (1871), affidavits of loss and damage caused
     by the Reserve Militia in Harrison County (1871-1872),
     quartermaster records (especially vouchers), pay vouchers,
     ordnance records, and accounts for moneys collected and
     disbursed during three instances of martial law (1871).
     The State Guard and Reserve Militia Records sub-subseries of
     the Adjutant General's records is arranged in nine sub-sub-
          a.  Correspondence, (1870)-1874, 6 inches
          b.  Certificates of Disability, 1870, fractional
          c.  Court Martial Proceedings, 1871, 1.5 inches
          d.  Annual Returns of Militia, 1870-1872, fractional
          e.  Militia Rolls, 1870, 3 inches
          f.  Hospital Report, 1871, fractional
          g.  Affidavits of Loss and Damage, 1871-1872, fractional
          h.  Quartermaster Records, 1870(1871)-1873, 4.5 inches
          i.  Accounts, 1871, fractional
          (a)  CORRESPONDENCE, (1870)-1874, 6 inches
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of Adjutant General
     correspondence concerning the State Guard and the Reserve
     Militia, including:  1.5 inches of letters received, (1870)-
     1874; one Register of Letters Received, (1870)-1871; and two
     Letter Press Books of letters sent, 1870-1871.
     The loose material consists of letters received by the
     Adjutant General, mostly from August-December, 1870.  Almost
     all of the items are letters from militia officers accepting
     their appointments, or transmittal letters for the oaths of
     these officers.  Arrangement is by regiment, and chronological
     therein. Not all of the regiments of the State Guard are
     represented, and even fewer of the regiments of the Reserve
     Militia.  The search room finding aid for Adjutant General
     Military Rolls contains reference charts under the appropriate
     sub-series, which will help the researcher match the regiment
     with its county or town.
     Ledger 401-1011 is a register of letters received concerning
     the State Guard, the Reserve Militia, and also the Frontier
     Forces, between July 18, 1870 and January 10, 1871.  As with
     most such registers, the format includes the date the letter
     was received by the Adjutant General, a file number (in red
     ink), the name of the correspondent, the disposition of the
     letter (in red ink), the place, the date, and a brief summary
     of the purport.  An index accompanies the register.
     The two letter press books contain copies of letters sent by
     the Adjutant General concerning the State Guard and Reserve
     Militia, between June 22, 1870 and December 18, 1871.  They
     are both indexed.
          Box 401-865
               31.  Correspondence, State Guard,
                          1st Regiment, 1871-1872;
                          2nd Regiment, 1874;
                          3rd Regiment, 1870
               32.        6th Regiment, 1870;
                          7th Regiment, 1870
               33.        8th Regiment, 1870-1871
               34.        9th Regiment, 1870;
                         10th Regiment, 1870
               35.  Correspondence, Reserve Militia,
                          1st Regiment, 1870;
                          2nd Regiment, 1870
               36.        3rd Regiment, 1870;
                          4th Regiment, 1870-1871
               37.        6th Regiment, 1870;
                          7th Regiment, 1870
               38.        8th Regiment, 1870;
                          9th Regiment, 1870
               39.       10th Regiment, 1870;
                         11th Regiment, 1870;
                         13th Regiment, 1870
               40.       14th Regiment, 1870;
                         15th Regiment, 1870
               41.       17th Regiment, 1870;
                         18th Regiment, 1870;
                         19th Regiment, 1870
               42.       21st Regiment, 1870;
                         23rd Regiment, 1870;
                         27th Regiment, 1870;
                         31st Regiment, 1871;
                         45th Regiment, 1871;
                         94th Regiment, 1871
          Ledger 401-1011   Register of Letters Received, 1870-1871
          Ledger 401-1033   Letter Press Books, June-December, 1870
          Ledger 401-1034                       December, 1870-
                                                December, 1871
          (b)  CERTIFICATES OF DISABILITY, 1870, fractional
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of certificates of disability,
     by which physicians recommended exemption from
     militia/military duty for individuals with specific physical
     and/or medical conditions.  These certificates date from July
     and August, 1870, and include individuals in Brazoria, Bell,
     and Karnes Counties.  Arrangement is alphabetical.
          Box 401-865
               43.  Certificates of Disability, A-G
               44.                              H-M
               45.                              P-W
          (c)  COURT MARTIAL PROCEEDINGS, 1871, 1.5 inches
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of the proceedings of a
     general court martial which convened at Huntsville, in Walker
     County, in late February and early March, 1871, for the trial
     of a number of citizens:  J. L. Boatner, Lucien Bowen, C.
     Briffield, Benjamin Courtadt, J. R. Cox, H. W. Fisher, John P.
     Garrett, Cyrus Hess, C. Keenan, G. Luff, Nathaniel Outlaw,
     George W. Rather, Thomas Walker, and Samuel Wilson.  Detailed
     for the court martial were a number of officers of the State
     Guard and the Reserve Militia.  Supporting documents
     accompanying these proceedings included correspondence,
     general orders, special orders, court martial orders,
     affidavits, briefs, petitions, and proclamations. Arrangement
     is by trial, roughly chronological.
          Box 401-866
                1.  Court Martial Proceedings, General (1870-1871)
                2.  Court Martial Proceedings vs.
                         George Rather
                3.       Thomas Walker
                4.       Cyrus Hess
                5.       Benjamin Courtadt
                6.       C. Briffield, et al.
                7.       Nathaniel Outlaw
          (d)  ANNUAL RETURNS OF MILITIA, 1870-1872, fractional
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of three oversize annual
     returns of militia personnel, only one of which--that for
     1872--is published in the annual reports of the Adjutant
     General.  Information contained on each return includes the
     following:  locality, name of regiment, name of regimental
     commander, number of brigade, name of brigade commander,
     number of division, name of division commander, number of
     companies, number of regiments; number of each rank of
     officers, non-commissioned officers, and enlisted men; total
     enlisted, and aggregate.  Also included is a recapitulation of
     the numbers of each rank of general and staff officers,
     cavalry, artillery, infantry, and total men.
          Drawer 32
                3.  Annual Returns of Militia, 1870-1872
          (e)  MILITIA ROLLS, 1870, 3 inches
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of oversized glued booklets,
     containing rolls from fifteen counties, of citizens who had
     been enrolled in the Reserve Militia but who paid the sum of
     $15 for one year's exemption from duty.  Only the first page
     of each booklet is filled, with from zero to five names.  The
     counties include the following, arranged alphabetically:
     Bandera, Bastrop, Bell, Bowie, Brazoria, Burnet, Caldwell,
     Dallas, Fannin, Fayette, Fort Bend, Gonzales, Hood, Karnes,
     and Kendall.  Information on each individual includes: name,
     age, residence, occupation, color, amount paid for exemption,
     and remarks.
          Box 401-823
                1.  Militia Roll, Bandera County
                2.                Bastrop County
                3.                Bell County
                4.                Bowie County
                5.                Brazoria County
                6.                Burnet County
                7.                Caldwell County
                8.                Dallas County
                9.                Fannin County
               10.                Fayette County
               11.                Fort Bend County
               12.                Gonzales County
               13.                Hood County
               14.                Karnes County
               15.                Kendall County
          (f)  HOSPITAL REPORT, 1871, fractional
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of one oversize item, a
     hospital report of surgeon in charge James Huston,
     headquarters, State Troops, in Springfield, Texas, October 22-
     November 3, 1871.  Information on the 42 patients on the list
     includes:  name, company, when admitted, disease, treatment,
     when discharged, medicine dispensed, cost of medicine, and
          Box 401-824
                7.  Hospital Report, 1871
          (g)  AFFIDAVITS OF LOSS AND DAMAGE, 1871-1872, fractional
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of approximately 50 sworn
     statements of loss and damage caused by the Reserve Militia in
     Harrison County, all claims of which are dated December, 1871-
     January, 1872.  The items involved were primarily animals
     (mules and horses), and weapons (rifles and shotguns) which
     were loaned to the Reserve Militia and either never returned
     or else returned badly damaged; at least one claim, however,
     involved medical expenses following an accidental shooting.
     Accompanying the affidavits is an abstract of claims.
     Arrangement is numerical.
          Box 401-866
                8.  Affidavits of Loss and Damage, 1871-1872
          (h)  QUARTERMASTER RECORDS, 1870(1871)-1873, 4.5 inches
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of vouchers, bills for
     freight, bills for telegraphs, etc., receipts, requisitions,
     and four returns of property (ordnance, quartermaster, and
     medical), all documenting goods and services provided to or
     for the State Guard and the Reserve Militia.
     In addition, there are a sizable number of pay vouchers,
     mostly for the 4th Regiment, Reserve Militia, primarily for
     February and March, 1871.  These authorize pay plus a horse
     allowance, mainly for militiamen on duty during the martial
     law declared in Walker County; some are also for witnesses
     called during the General Court Martial.  Most of them are
     printed on the reverse, "Martial Law Vouchers."
     Finally, there are also many ordnance records.  Some of these
     can be identified as for the State Guard, the Reserve Militia,
     or the State Police; others, however, cannot be quickly
     labelled.  In addition to requisitions, inventories, and
     returns, two forms are most common:  (a) receipts of ordnance
     and ordnance stores from the Adjutant General, issued by the
     Office of the Military Store Keeper; and (b) orders, made by
     the Adjutant General/Chief of Police to the Storekeeper of the
     State Arsenal, for specific issues to specific individuals.
     Arrangement for all three types of records is chronological.
          Box 401-866
                9.  Quartermaster Records, 1870
               10.                         January, 1871
               11.                         February, 1871
               12.                         March-April, 1871
               13.                         May-June, 1871
               14.                         July-September, 1871
            15-16.                         October, 1871
            17-18.                         November, 1871
               19.                         December, n.d., 1871
               20.                         1872
               21.                         n.d.
               22.  Pay Vouchers, September, 1870-January, 1871
            23-24.                February, 1871
            25-26.                March, 1871
               27.                October-December, 1871;
                                  May, 1873
          Box 401-867
                1.  Ordnance Records, May-June, 1871
                2.                    July-August, 1871
                3.                    September-December, 1871
                4.                    January-August, 1872
                5.                    September-December, 1872
                6.                    1873, n.d.
          Box 401-968
                3.  Returns of Public Property, 1871-1872
          (i)  ACCOUNTS, 1871, fractional
     This sub-sub-subseries consists of nine oversize items, in
     three groups:
          (1) two copies of an account current and three copies of
     an abstract of disbursements made on account of a declaration
     of martial law in Hill County, involving Company H, 6th
     Regiment, State Guards (January-March, 1871);
          (2) two copies of an account current, plus one copy of an
     additional account current, of fines and taxes collected and
     disbursed on account of martial law in Walker County
     (February-March, 1871); and, housed separately, a statement of
     moneys collected and disbursed on account of martial law in
     Walker County; and
          (3) one account current of receipts of the military tax
     collected in Limestone County, and disbursements of the same
     to and on account of Provisional State Troops on duty in that
     county (October-November, 1871); and two copies of an abstract
     of disbursements on account of pay, forage, subsistence, etc.,
     of those troops in Limestone County.
          Box 401-824
                7.  Accounts, 1871
          Box 401-968
                3.  Statement, Walker County